Find Out How to Save Money by Maximizing Your Dental Insurance Benefits

October 22, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drweldon @ 2:07 pm
a person having their teeth checked at the dentist’s office

It’s that time of year again when dental insurance companies are eagerly counting down the days until their client’s benefits expire. The moment the clock strikes midnight on December 31, all the money left behind from unused benefits is suddenly wiped from your account and sent back to the insurance company. Don’t believe it? Just check your dashboard on January 1. While you may not be able to keep your benefits from expiring, you can take advantage of your policy now while there’s still time. Read on to find out how.

The Disappearing Benefits Trick

If there’s one thing you should know about dental insurance it is that at the end of the calendar year, your benefits do not rollover. Nothing you’ve accrued during the previous year (2019) will be available to use in 2020. The reason is that your benefits have an expiration date and you have exactly one year to use them.

When signing up for dental insurance, you agree to pay a monthly premium. Since you’re already paying for this plan, it’s important that you not let it just sit there and gather dust. If you do, thousands of dollars will go directly back to the insurance company, along with your continued monthly payment. Is it fair? No. Is it a reality? Unfortunately, yes.

Instead of letting your money and valuable benefits disappear like a sad magic trick, here are some ways you can save money, take care of your oral health, and get the most out of your dental benefits.

See Your Dentist

Your dentist believes in the importance of preventive care and so does your insurance company. While your dentist wants you to get regular dental checkups and cleanings to help keep decay and disease away, your dental insurance wants you to also be proactive about your health so serious problems won’t arise and cause them to pay more for the services you receive.

This is why most companies agree to pay around 100% for preventive services, and since they do, it is in your best interest to schedule your two annual appointments. Here’s why:

  • You can take care of your teeth and gums now instead of having to wait
  • It costs you little to nothing out of pocket
  • These appointments can help prevent problems from developing in the future

Avoid Possible Fee Increases

If you think it’s no big deal to make sure you see your dentist twice a year, you might feel differently when 2020 rolls around and your coverage changes. Dental insurance companies have a reputation for removing benefits, increase premiums, and making other changes that can negatively impact you. Instead of waiting for this to happen, why not embrace the plan you currently have?

Need to schedule your regular checkups? Do it now. Have you met your deductible and discovered you need a tooth extracted? Get it scheduled before the end of the year. If you don’t, you could be looking at the possibility of your insurance company not covering such an expensive procedure next year, which will have you spending more when it wasn’t necessary in the first place.

With only months left before the end of the year, take care of your oral health. If you’re unsure what you can do to maximize your dental benefits, talk to a member of your dental team who can review your policy and make suggestions on how you can save the most money.

About the Author
Dr. Daniel Weldon and his team want you to have a beautiful smile but in order to achieve it, treatments and care don’t always come cheap. This is why his dedicated staff will work with you to help you get the most out of your dental insurance benefits before the year is over. Too much money is lost in unused benefits each year, which is why Dr. Weldon wants you to schedule your second dental checkup and cleaning and take advantage of what’s left in your dental plan before it’s too late. To find out how you can save money in 2019, visit our website or call (352) 622-3236.

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